Gim-bap Machine Roll-ype (Manual)
This product was developed to make gim-bap easy.
Put the rice-frame on the machine, spread the rice and ingredients, attach the seaweed to the end of the rice, and lower the handle to complete the gim-bap. You can adjust the thickness of the gim-bap according to the amount and ingredients of the rice.

Dimension: 31cm (L) x 39cm (W) x 21cm (H)
Weight: 6kg
Apply to
Regular gim-bap, nude gim-bap, mini gim-bap, rolled seaweed (rolled vermicelli), rolled beef, rolled vegetables, etc.
Rice Frame size

weight: 160g
Seaweed size: one
gim-bab size: Φ45
weight: 120g
length: 110mm
seaweed size:140mm
gim-bab size: Φ35

weight: 60g
Length: 70mm
Seaweed size: 100mm
gim-bab size: Φ25
Product usage video
대왕 김밥(메가 김밥)
소고기 야채 말이, 꼬마 김밥
김 말이
How to use the roll gim-bap machine (manual)
1. Place a molding of the desired size on the product and fill the rice into the mold.
2. After removing the frame, place the ingredients in the gimbap on the rice and paste the seaweed at the end of the rice as shown in the photo.
3. Hold the handle and pull the lever lightly. When you release the pulled lever, gimbap is completed.
1. Let's make gim-bap easily!
Spread the ingredients on the product and pull the lever with one hand to dry the seaweed and rice ingredients in a circle. You can easily make a large amount of gim-bap without straining your wrist.
2. Separate lightly by hand and use cleanly
The part where the material is raised is made of a Teflon coated belt, so the rice grains do not stick well. It is manufactured so that it can be separated by hand without separate parts. After separation, it can be washed with water and used, so the product can be kept clean for a long time.
3. Choose from various sizes of gim-bap
The amount of rice and ingredients, and the length of the seaweed can determine the size of gim-bap. From mini-size to thick gim-bap, you can make various types with this product.
Be sure to read the cautions when using Orion Food Machine Roll-gimbab Machine (SDM-5000).
1. The surface may be scratched, so clean it with a soft sponge with general detergent.
2. In order to suppress the parasitics of various germs, spray it with a spray-type disinfectant frequently where the rice grains come into contact.
3. When using the machine, never put your hand into parts such as molding machines.
4. The rice length mold comes in 4 sizes.
5. Teflon coated belt part is consumable. Please contact us for replacement after a certain period of use.
6. After removing the left and right covers, wash off grease and dirt to keep them clean.
(If it is not managed, it may cause malfunction, such as poorly rolled gim-bap.)
※ How to use the roll Gim-bap machine video
Main Partners
Seoul Asian Market(미국 텍사스) / 늘솜김밥(종로) / 애캔커머스코리아(중국2, 부천) / LOTEGO(중국) / 아이디 스시롤(미국LA) / 고향집(하와이) / 중국옛맛집(전남 광주 3) / 영광물산(영등포) / 스시야(미국) / Kim Vladimir(러시아) / 아워홈(LG이노텍 구미) / Torch Pressed Sushi(캐나다 4) / 맨하탄 김밥(목동) / 수유리 우동집(김포) / (주)우창상사(인천) / 클라우드코리아(서초) / 떡끼묵까(청주) / 하루김밥(전주) / 온오프마켓(원주, 대전, 인천, 강화) / 정문호 호박(베트남 11) / 쎄시봉(안동) / 페트라교역(화성) / 아이스칸(정읍, 영등포, 전남광주, 대치동, 경기이천, 경북칠곡, 청주, 봉천, 목동, 파주, 종촌동, 부안, 강화) / Raymond(네덜란드 3) / 대해무역(말레이시아) / 마지막 편의점(제주) / 한핀(중국) / KAMEYA(시카고) 외 다수