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Gim-bap manufacturing machine (for factory)


It is a product used in specialized factories that produce gim-bap in large quantities. As a factory machine, it can be usefully used by companies that make more than 1,000 Gim-baps.
With adjustable speed, you can make up to 2-000 gim-bap or rolls per hour at high speed. It can be produced with 2LINE (for Kim-bap factory). Different sizes of gim-bap can be made on both lines.




Machine size: 350cm (L) x 70cm (W) x 130cm (H)

Production quantity: 500-2000 pieces/per hour

Power consumption: 500W

Power: 220V / 60Hz (110V / 50Hz  customizable)


Machine size: 500cm (L) x 95cm (W) x 130cm (H)

Production quantity: 1000 to 4000 pieces/per hour

Power consumption: 1000W

Power: 220V / 60Hz (110V / 50Hz customizable)

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How it work

1. Pour rice into the hopper.
2.  As the rice gradually falls by sensor detection, the rice is spread thinly through the roller that determines the thickness of the rice.
3. When the rice comes out continuously on the belt, several people prepare the inner ingredients to make gim-bap at a high speed, and when the rice passes in front of the worker, the inner ingredients are put on the rice.
4. As the rice and ingredients pass through the mold, they are made without steaming.
5. The length of gim-bap (about 200mm) is automatically cut out from the tail.
6.  Roll over the prepared seaweed to complete the gim-bap.


-2-Line gim-bap maker for mass production
-gim-bap maker for factory suitable for mass production (more than 2,000 rolls per hour can be produced)


-For overseas export, we produce it according to the electrical characteristics of the region. (customizable)

-The length of the gim-bap can be adjusted by the operator at any time as needed.

-Order production is also possible with 2-Line  gim-bap.
The production volume can be twice that of 1 Line.

Main Partners

삼구유통 / 대만김밥기계(대만) / 선비(연희동) / 소망김밥 / 영재식품 / 성일식품 / 한일김밥(포이동) / 신라유통(문정동) / 두영식품 / 천사김밥(인천) / 에스식품(수원) / 탑슬(성남) / 다래정김밥 / 사이사(대만) / 지앤원-혜진물산(음성, 부산) / 우리식품(면목동) / 송혜란(캐나다 2) / 해표식품(전주) / OSIS(콜롬비아) / ​스시마스터(호주) / 프레야인터내셔널(홍콩) 외 다수

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