Kim-bab Cutter(Manual) SDM-1057
A cutting machine that can cut kim-bap conveniently and effortlessly in small stores. It is convenient to use as the knife frame and parts can be separated and cleaned with one touch. It works 1, 2 lines at a time and is divided into 6, 8, 9, and 10 equal parts.

Dimension : 35cm(L) x 35cm(W) x 54cm(H)
weight : 12kg
How to use
-Cutting Kim-bab Easily and safely
You can work one or two lines at a time, and if you hit the knife frame with a handle, you can beat the gimbap and divide it into one size. (Equal quantities are made to order.)
-Easy to clean and hygienic
Manual gimbap cleanup (SDM-1057) is designed to be easily separated, so if you separate the bolted part as in the image above, the parts can be separated. It is hygienic and convenient to use in tight spaces because the tools can be quickly removed and cleaned from anywhere.
-Can be used as a blade exchange semi-permanent
After separating the knife frame from the machine body, you can change the blade simply by loosening the screws at the bottom of the knife frame little by little. By replacing the dull blade with a new one, you can experience a clean cut like the first time.
(When purchasing the product, 1 set of blade is additionally provided.)
Main Partners
레이몬드(네덜란드, 프랑스) / 대교통상(호주) / 갠지스홀딩스(canada) / 국민연금 부산회관 / 전시회(italy) / 성보종합주방(usa) / 우미스시(new Zealand) / 마이코지(china) / (주)청산유통(영광) / 떡순튀(수원) / 김밥천국(뚝섬) / 선광엔지니어링(아산) / Bob choi(new Zealand) / sushi Raw(new zealand) / 아워홈(성남) / 사쿠라스시(canada) / 유끼스시(new Zealand) / Best Sushi(new Zealand) / 주니코(영통) / 부산어묵(부산) / Kai Korea sushi(뉴질랜드) / 반석키친(포항, 전남, 나주) / 김밥앤브래드(충주) / Sushi Royal Tokyo(canada) / Nick vo(vietnam) / 스시나라(usa) / Green sushi(new zealand) / Sushi Nara(Texas, usa ) / 구스김밥(부산) / HB코퍼레이션(부산) / 제니푸드(canada) / 해맞이 카페(제주) / 아이스칸(usa) / 오토김밥(동부이천동) / 킴스마켓(usa) / (주)디비홀딩스(울산) / 스시갤러리(new zealand) / 미죽헌(잠실) / 명인만두(부산) / 박고지 김밥(시흥) / 마미하우스(김포) / 바른한줄(광주) / 달인김밥(부산) / 바른손푸드(부산) / Sushi Yang(usa) / 고봉민김밥(익산, 김해) / 덕영주방(남대문) / 황리단길김밥(경주) / Seoul Asian Market(texas, usa) / 모두랑(천안) / 에밴커머스코리아(east asia) / 울산종합상사(아산) / 싱가폴 / 과테말라 / 카자흐스탄 / 중국 / 브라질 / 캐나다 / 대만 / 메리김밥(파주) / 씨스페이스 편의점 / 동성키친(부천, 서울) / 중화옛맛집(광주, 부평) / 광교분식(용인, 수지) / 오션사이드(뉴질랜드) / 도시인김밥(원주) / 남문종합주방(세종시, 서울) / 스시야(미국) / 커비야(전북) / 김밥팅(구미) / 명품식당(청주) / Torch Pressed Sushi(캐나다) / 동원김밥(성내동) / 김밥의달인(양산) / 예원식당(대구) / 미식별궁(송파) / 제임스김밥(부산) / 교동김밥(창원) / 수제김밥(종로) / 대박착한김밥(영광) / CWT9000109(미국) / 그랜드주방(일산) / Mr.Cherng(독일) / 온오프마켓(일산) / 페트라교역(중국,호주,대만) 외 다수